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We plan our investments with
a special care to new green
technologies, choosing
machines that allow us to
eliminate solvents from the
manufacturing process and that
hold down the energy consumption
in the start-up stage.
We select and test highly
recyclable and biodegradable
materials. We adopt water-
soluble adhesives and study
combined solutions of packaging
to maximize the recyclability
of the finished packaging...
The FSC certification and the use
of selected materials offer the
customer the opportunity to
contribute to environment
protection by choosing paper
materials that come from
a controlled deforestation.
A 200 kW photovoltaic power plant
powers our facilities and gives
us the opportunity to realize
zero-impact processes.
The use of renewable energy
source will avoid 32.700 Kg of CO2
emission being put every year
into the atmosphere resulting
in a 39,62 Tep (tonnes of oil
equivalent) savings.
Aro Group has always been sensitive to the environmental
preservation as demonstrated by the achievement
of ISO 14001 certification since 2007.
And yet today our commitment to the maximum
environmental protection materializes through a continuous
improvement of our manufacturing processes.
With this project, called Energylab, we make it even more
concrete our commitment to environmental protection.
You too can make your contribution by adhering
to Energylab project. All of this for our planet!